Portuguese Water Dogs

PWD are very active for the first year or so of their lives. They are also a very intelligent dog, so need training and much socialization with everything in their new world. The PWD is a strong, mid sized, agile dog with stamina and endurance to do a full days work. Its non-shedding hair grows just as human hair does, with no undercoat. The coat can be curly or wavy. The colors are black, white, as well as tones of brown; also combos of these. The coat can be clipped two ways. In the Retriever Clip, the entire coat is clipped to one inch, with the end of the tail left long. In the Lion Clip, the hindquarters and muzzle are clipped short, the end of the tail , coat on the head, neck forequarters & chest is left long.

The breed is loyal, affectionate, energetic, intelligent family companion and watchdog which thrives on and demands human attention. The life expectancy of the average PWD is 12 to 15 years. They tend to mature slowly and remain active well into their senior years.

Mature size of the PWD males is 20-23 inches at the shoulder, Females fall into the range of 17-21 inches. –There is a large variance of weight, but standard for males is 42 to 60 pounds; while females are 35 to 50 pound adults. We do find most of ours in the 50-60 pounds range.

What Our Clients are Saying!

Hi Barb. Here is an update on Ryder, DOB 7/13/15. At almost 6 months he has graduated from puppy class and is starting intermediate classes. This is our 7th dog, and by far the smartest dog we have...

Sue Collins | Read More

We were worried to have our baby sent long distance on a plane (we live in Rhode Island), but after finally meeting our precious little Dallas it was definitely worth it and we have no regrets! He...

Alyssa Castriotta | Read More

I learned of Heartland Classics from online searches for Cotons. I went to visit to pick out a puppy and was very impressed by her establishment. She had a boy and a girl available from 2 different...

Robyn Sawyer | Read More

My husband and I got married in August 2015 and with money that we got for the wedding we decided that we were going to extend our family by four paws. We did a lot of research and decided that a...

Shea Abrahamson | Read More

I just picked up my precious little Coton from Barb and her staff at Heartland. Barb and her staff have been wonderful to work with, very informative. I have to say that my little Winston was sent...

Deb McCollum | Read More

Two years ago my 2nd Old English Sheepdog died (age 12) and I decided I needed a dog that would be a good loyal companion (since I retired), was smart and loving, really good with small kids, smaller...

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